NOTE: Save the Date for June 10. Details below.

With slightly less then a month to go, the excitement and nerves are building, and we are extremely close to reaching our goal! Due to your donations, I was able to get the plane ticket, tuition, room and board all paid up.
Special thanks to my Maternal Grandmother, Wilhelmina Person,VA, my cousins Johnnie and Laurie Lynn, MD, my brother Ayo, DC, who is just back from Turkmenistan and is on his way to Belgium at the end of the month; Uncle Paul Lynn, my Grandfather's Brother; his daughter Kathy Jones, US Navy; My paternal grandmother Adele Mathias, My Aunt Joanne Hollis, and Aunt Adrienne Lynn; my cousin Rhonda Harrison, VA, (congratulations to her son Jose for graduating from North Carolina A & T); my Mom's Dear Friends Claudine Mitchell, Jacquie Stephens, KJLH (and her daughter Steja), and Theresa Price, Black College Expo (I attended the first expo and met the Hampton recruiter there.) Also, Mom and Dad have contributed in a big way. Thank you all. If

Each time I received your donations, I was blown away by your generosity and my spirits were lifted. I know when I go, I take you all with me, and I take comfort in that fact. Much thanks to the village.
Now, I am working to get the funds for food and extra activities such as trips, a safari, shark cage diving, etc... I plan on making the most out of the six weeks I will spend in South Africa and you all are making that plan a real possibility.

To give you a quick update on me, I am interning at Willoughby & Associates where I am a Certified Law Student, which gives me limited capability to appear before judges under direct supervision of an attorney. I am also working on Atty. Anthony Willoughby's campaign (He's pictured at left) to be elected as the Assemblyman for the 48th Assembly District. Because we do a lot of criminal work, there is always excitement in the office. Also, it is great getting out in the community talking with folks. I am receiving great experience!
Remember to vote June 6!
Yesterday, I spent the day in Federal Criminal court and I must say that this profession I am getting into is not a joke at all. We had to go through two security check points before we entered the court room. Our office is involved in some serious work.

While I will miss the Lynn Family Reunion while I am away, I an honored to know that this personal act will be a reunion of the ages. Other than work, I just plan on seeing as much of family and friends as possible while here.
You're invited! June 10, 2 days before I leave, we are getting together at Aunt Joanne's house in Los Angeles at 3 PM for my send-off. Please email me for directions at if you are in Los Angeles and can come. I would love to see you!
Once again, thank you all who have helped in any way, shape or form and you all will surely hear from me again before I leave.
With Love and MANY Thanks,
Jaaye Person-Lynn
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