This blog was started a long time ago when I was still in law school, known as Jaaye (not yet the Lincoln Lawyer), doing a one man crowd-funding campaign for my trip to South Africa. (I have been back five times since then!)
This year, after being an attorney for 6 years, we decided it was time to build a website for the Person-Lynn Law Office. While we build the new site, we will park the domain http://personlynnlawoffice.com here.
We've had so much support and so much success. Thank you for trusting us with your most trying times!
Keep my number on speed dial and call if you need me. In the mean time, stay safe!
Jaaye Person-Lynn, Esq
Person-Lynn Law Office
200 Corporate Pointe, Suite 495
Culver City, CA 90230
Phone: 424-261-2075
Email: jpersonlynn@gmail.com