This is my first blog, which I thought I would create so you can be updated on my next venture:
Next Stop: South Africa!
Here's a question for you: if you knew a hard working law student whose dream it was to go to Africa, would you help him?
Well, that young man is me, and I am writing you because in June, I will be attending Howard University School of Law's Summer Study in South Africa Program, a six-week study abroad program in beautiful Cape Town, South Africa. I am very excited because I have never traveled outside of the United States, (except once when I went to the UN in New York.) This will be a great opportunity for me --much more than a study abroad program, since I have always dreamed of going to Africa and meeting the people and experiencing the culture. This program will afford me that opportunity.
I plan to get the most out of this experience and that is why I need your support.
The total cost of the trip will be $8,000. I know it is very expensive, but law school credits are nearly $1000 a credit and I will be receiving six. In addition, about $1,800 of that will be the plane ticket alone. The $8000 will cover my travel, lodging, food, classes, school supplies and extra curricular activities.

Of course, I am not very big on asking for money, and you have always been supportive of me, but this trip is one that I have to take and I am asking for your help. Any support you can mail me will be greatly appreciated and no amount is too small. Certainly, no amount is too large either. If you can help me get to South Africa please do. I will acknowledge you on my website. If not, I will still love you the same. Thank You!
For details about the program, visit: http://www.law.howard.edu/527
With hope,
Jaaye Person-Lynn
My mailing address (I will be in L.A. from May 1-June 12 when I leave for Africa):
Jaaye Person-Lynn
PO Box 2946Inglewood, CA 90305
(323) 497-0086holla@jaaye.com or mrwstchstr@aol.com
My website: http://www.jaaye.com
Please make checks payable to: Jaaye Person-Lynn or you can
donate now with your credit card or Bank ATM card. It will go to my Mom's PayPal account since hers is already set up: Isidra Person-Lynn
Email: isidra@prperson.com
Please, click to donate:

* Pray for me.
1. A registration fee of $300 is due two weeks following your acceptance into the program. The fee will reserve your place and accommodation in the program and a dormitory room. (Paid)
2. A second amount of $600 is due by April 1, 2006. (Paid)
3. The balance of $3,050.00 is due by May 1, 2006.
ADDITIONAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES: Air Fare: $1700 (paid), Meals: $ 850, Miscellaneous Expenses: $ 650, Total: $3100
Thank you for reading thus far. I will keep you updated of my travels with this blog. Again, whatever you can do, I will appreciate it!