Just wanted you all to see a bit of what I am doing while I am out here, and share this fairytale I am living with you.
I've got pictures! Click here for 44 pictures.
I've got audio! Please click the link below to hear a recorded phone call to my parents the other day. It's only 8 minutes long--and my Mom added pictures, but there is so much more to tell. Click the link to view the video. It's my first podcast. http://ia310141.us.archive.org/2/items/Jaaye/JaayePodcast1.mp4
For those of you without high speed Internet, here is a brief summary: Where I live is very luxurious. The bathroom floors are marble and they are heated! It's crazy. Outside my

I have already visited Guguletu, the shantytown near Capetown--and while there is a lot of poverty there, I have seen Mercedes and BMW's. Some people have regular homes with running water and electricity and bad TV which plays reruns of Dallas. Something about it reminded me of Crenshaw Blvd in Los Angeles.

I almost got hit by a car, because they drive on the other side of the road. When there is traffic it is easy to remember but I forget when the road is clear. You better believe I am looking both ways now.
Soon I am going to go to a Kanye West Concert in Capetown then we go on Safari. We also will go to Durban during our week off.

When they party, the colored like the same hip hop we do but the blacks party to their own music and I have fun at both kinds of clubs.
I feel like I am at home, because I am enjoying Africa. The African students joke with us saying, "So you are African American? Which part of Africa are you from?" you've got to stop and think.

Because of our challenges with the Internet here, I have not yet sent photos, but my Mom found some on the 'net. Some of the pictures in the video are are from www.PrintsByAngela.com This photographer has recently relocated to Africa and her native photography is great. Please visit her website to see what I mean.
Thanks for your gifts and prayers. The list has grown! Please scroll below to my previous post for the beginning of the list. In the meantime, I would like to thank the following who came to my send off and contributed to my travel fund: Mama Mina, I can honestly say, you invested wisely. I know I thanked you below but your generous donation really kicked it all off, so THANK YOU! Thank you so very much James Silcott, who is a large part of my great Howard U. experience. Whenever he comes to Howard for his trustee duties, he always includes me in the festivities or his lectures. I appreciate that.
Also, thank you Aunt Joanne for allowing us your place to gather. I hope you know how much that means to me. Grandmother, Adrienee and Merritt, thanks for your support. Paul Jr. (Pablo) and Tyler, thank you for coming and your gifts. Kofi, the Rand you brought me that day sustained me in my early days in Capetown when my ATM card would not work. Thank you. Attorney Willoughby and his beautiful wife, thank you too. We got through the campaign and I think it was an excellent experience. Thanks to Kathy and Karlyn, and my crew Jason, Juan and everybody. It was great to see Stephana and all her girls Regan, Kristin, Brooklyn and Jade (thanks for the gift!). Thanks to Claudine Mitchell Lee and congratulations on your wedding! Thanks to Tianna and Ariana and the boys for coming and helping. Please keep Tianna in your prayers as she recently lost her fiancee, Walter Carr, when he collapsed due to an enlarged heart in July 4. I love you T. They got to meet cousins Patrice and Lavonne from the Lynn side so in the photo gallery you will see the one picture I have of me and my Persons and Lynns together.
Thanks Aunt Paulette! Got your card and bookmark. Love you! If I missed you, please forgive me, then remind me and I will upload becuase I want the world to know.
In fact if you would like to see everybody's picture, click http://theprperson.smugmug.com/gallery/1651364 or paste it to your browser.
I get back July 23 then head back to my final year of Law School after that. I hope to see you all before then!
Love and Appreciation,